C H Spurgeon the 19th century preacher at the Metropolitan Tabernacle London had this to say about children's work:- "You may speak but a word to a child, and in that child there may be slumbering a noble heart which shall stir the Christian Church in years to come." These words of Charles Haddon Spurgeon encapsulates our Sunday school ethos particularly in the light of the general moral collapse of society, the uncertain future for young people as well as the difficult situations children find themselves in today.
Our Sunday school re-commenced in September 2015 after a 50 year absence of Sunday school and young peoples work at Salem Baptist Chapel. Using teaching materials employed by many Sunday school across the nation we seek to pass on lifelong lessons to the children in the community. All the children are given take-home sheets to work on at home and to bring them back for points earnings from their teachers. All our staff are subject to a comprehensive Enhanced DBS check as well as subscribed to our safeguarding policy which is in line with UK safeguarding and national child protection policies.

The Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew Chapter 19 vs 14 said “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” At Salem we take these words of the Lord as commanding His people to teach little ones the word of life from an evangelistic perspective.
We therefore run this evangelistic Sunday school which caters for young children and teenagers between the ages of 3 and 16. We aim to reach out to other children in the local neighbourhood as well as the children of those who attend the services at Salem. In a world were many children are growing up either with no or little guidance in life the ‘Lessons for Life’ curriculum we use provides children with clear guidance on the most important aspects of life.